Simon Fraser University Market Stats for March 21, to March 27, 2011
According to MLS data for the Simon Fraser University area, specifically UniverCity of Burnaby North, during the past week there were a total of 7 new listings that came to market. This brings the total of active listings to 58 for an average list price of $433,571 or $470.77 per sq ft.
During the past week only one sale was registered through MLS. However, given how the MLS system operates, a sale could have firmed during the past week but the sale date could be during the previous week and therefore would not show as a sale for this week. Confusing, I now! However, what we can determine is that there were a total of 56 listings during my last report. There are now 58 but there were 7 new listings that came to market. So what this really means is there were in fact 5 sales that have occurred.
Here is a recap of the year to date numbers:
- Total sales since Jan 1, 2011 = 29
- Average sale price = $401,858
- Average cost per sqft = $391.87
During the past week one sale was registered on the MLS. A town home unit in the Serenity complex sold for full asking in 8 days!
The market is very active in the SFU area. During the open house I held on March 26, 2011 at 306 9232 University in the Novo II complex, I had a total of 19 people through or 12 groups during the two hour period; an excellent turn out. Feedback was very positive. Since the open we have shown or have scheduled an additional 4 appointments. The unit is well priced, shows very well and offers the bonus of a storage locker. This unit should not be on the market much longer!
Contact us now if you have questions about the market in general or specifically if you would like to learn more about the Simon Fraser University area.
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