Origin by Porte Development at UniverCity is now 75% sold out and is launching new pricing models for some of the remaining units.
Origin is built to meet the new mandatory zoning bylaws for the SFU area created in association with the building community and the City of Burnaby. These new zoning regulations ensure all new developments are at least 30 percent more efficient than existing developments while still remaining cost effective for the developers.
Origin is designed by GBL Architect & BYU Interior Designs and is situated on one of the plateaus in the SFU community. Located across from University Highland Elementary school and Nesters Market, convenience is something Origin will not lack.
With only 75 units this is a smaller development for the UniverCity area and given the appeal the community sales have been progressing well. Completion is expected in the Spring of 2012.
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New Pricing. Don't miss out on these hot deals... prices and homes will not last!
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