Since 2008, Hafez Panju has contributed a percentage of his sales commission to the BC Branch bringing his total contribution to over $12,000. Together, with dedicated supporters like Hafez, The Kidney Foundation is able to support all British Columbians living with kidney disease whether on dialysis, posttransplant or pre‐dialysis.
Moving into 2015, The Kidney Foundation will focus energies on kidney transplantation and organ donation. Why? Because we know that until there is a cure, a kidney transplant remains the best available therapy for someone on dialysis.
That’s why this year the BC Branch has committed to a five year campaign to increase the number of kidney transplants in British Columbia by 50%. Currently, 95% of British Columbians support organ donation. Yet only 19% have registered their intention. Interestingly, 51% of British Columbians say they are registered on their driver’s licence.
If we can encourage the 51% of people who think they are registered to check and confirm they are donors, we can double the number of registered organ donors in our province easily. That would mean up to 900 people on dialysis may be offered the opportunity of a kidney transplant.
On behalf of kidney patients in BC we would like to thank Hafez Panju for his on‐going support to bring HOPE to those living with kidney disease in our community, and in communities throughout BC.
With sincere appreciation,
Marie Hesse
Senior Manager, Fund Development
Strategic Planning & Community Initiatives
The Kidney Foundation of Canada, BC Branch